“Mauya” has two meanings: “Welcome”, or “good news”.
Basic version (player #1)
Chapters (select on video):
00:00 Full basic version (demonstration)
02:18 Left thumb + index finger
About Mauya mauya
00:00 Meaning of the song
06:58 Origin of the song
07:24 Different styles in different areas
09:32 Spirits’ preferences for certain songs
11:58 How Ndonda came back after years
The first chapter of this video needs translation.
Variation 1 (player #2)
This variation comes from Samson “Nyamogodobi” Chabirika.
00:00 Full variation 1 demonstration)
03:02 Left thumb + index finger
About Variation 1
00:00 Character of the variation
01:13 The fate of Dzimati, Mhondoro of Janjira
03:17 Who played this variation?
03:47 Demand for new variations
04:35 A dignified song
05:31 Picking up the deep voices part from Nyamugodobi
Combining parts
00:00 Basic version (player #1 part)
00:57 Variation 1 (player #2 part)
01:47 Basic + Variation 1