“Kari mugomba” ~ “a little thing in the hole”, or “one in the hole” (kari usually denotes a small thing; the hole may refer to a grave).
The title refers to a deceased person who is expected to return as a spirit one day.
This song is Sekuru’s adaptation of the nhare song of the same name.
Basic version (player #1)
Chapters (select on video):
00:00 Full basic version (demonstration)
01:17 Left thumb
01:54 Minor changes on the right hand
About Kari mugomba
00:00 Meaning and origin of the song
02:10 Mixing matepe with other types of mbira
05:01 Area of origin: Chihota
06:59 Attempts to adapt other nhare songs
08:09 Lyrics
10:07 Relationship to Kuvachenjedza
Variation 1 (player #2)
About Variation 1
00:00 Comparing matepe and nhare version
02:02 Switching from basic version to variation 1
02:54 Speculating about musical preferences of different dialect groups
05:25 Playing Kari mugomba / Taireva with Stella Chiweshe, Simon Mashoko, and Ephat Mujuru
Combining parts
00:00 Basic (player #1 part)
00:36 Variation 1 (player #2 part)
01:12 Basic + Variation 1
All parts combined
This combination video includes some nhare-style drumming.