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Although the videos contain all the information, we would like to put summaries as text on the pages, too, so that you can search for keywords.
Furthermore, many videos further down on the list do not yet have chapters, like they do on the Kuvachenjedza page.
You can support us in a very simple and extremely helpful way: While watching an About… video, just take notes about the content and [better, missing] chapter titles. We have marked some which are missing titles altogether.
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Basic version (player #1)
Chapters (select on video):
00:00 Full basic version (demonstration)
01:11 Left thumb
02:29 Left hand + right thumb
About Marume azere dare
00:00 About Marume azere dare
02:43 The relevance of the Dare
10:31 Message of the Song
15:32 Marume ashora mambo / Washora mambo
Variation 1 (player #2)
00:00 Full Variation 1 (demonstration)
00:27 Left thumb
03:19 Left thumb + index finger
04:11 Simplified version
About Variation 1
00:00 About Variation 1
01:05 Which variation is more difficult?
02:10 Are there minor changes?
03:02 Order of songs in a ceremony?
11:38 No kupandutsa into this variation
12:20 Excursion into Variation 3
13:19 Pandutsa in the last variation
Variation 2 (player #3)
00:00 Full Variation 2 (demonstration)
01:52 Left thumb
02:20 Left thumb + index finger
03:25 Simplified version
03:55 Minor changes on the right hand
Variation 2 – Minor changes
Our About… video on variation 2 turned into a demonstration of its minor changes.
00:00 Voicing of the Variation
01:34 Bringing in the highest keys
Variation 3: Charakupa (player #4)
This variation is Chawasarira’s own creation.
00:00 Full Variation 3 (demonstration)
02:22 Left thumb
03:05 Left thumb + index finger
About Variation 3
00:00 Adding the deep voices
00:55 Shape of the bass line
01:53 Inventing variations
04:55 Appreciating the variation
06:33 Chawasarira’s creation
07:08 Reaction of other players
08:12 Samson Chabirika ‘Nyamugodobi’
12:08 Origin of matepe songs
15:00 Name of the variation
Variation 4: Zongororo kwira bango (player #5)
“Zongororo kwira bango” ~ Millipede, climb up the pole!
00:00 Full Variation 3 (demonstration)
02:39 Left thumb + index finger
About Variation 4
00:00 Name and character of the variation
04:31 Kupandutsa or introduction of variation 4
05:32 Fixed starting point in the cycle
06:48 Obligatory introduction
08:00 The key to Zongororo
11:53 No kupandutsa into the other variations
Combining parts
00:00 Basic version (player #1 part)
00:38 Variation 1 (player #2 part)
01:08 Basic + Variation 1
02:33 Variation 2 (player #3 part)
03:02 Basic + Variation 2
04:38 Variation 3 (player #4 part)
05:07 Basic + Variation 3
06:28 Variation 4 (player #5 part)
07:06 Basic + Variation 4